24/7 crisis hotline 800.731.5577
or text 4 HELP to 85511
assess & plan
The MHRB is required to assess the behavioral health needs of Union County on an ongoing basis. This may include formal surveys, feedback from clients at our agencies, dialogue with key leaders and organizations, and knowledge of local trends. Every year the MHRB submits a plan for serving the needs of Union County to the state.
fund & support
The MHRB does not provide direct clinical care to people. Instead, the Board takes the findings of its many assessments and buys services from private agencies on behalf of Union County residents. The Board enters into contracts with certified or accredited organizations to provide many kinds of services in the community. Funds for these contracts come from federal and state tax dollars and the generous support of our local levy, as well as many grants and special sources such as the Union County Commissioners and the courts.
monitor & improve
The MHRB works with the local agencies it contracts with to ensure that services are accessible, appropriate, and as affordable as possible. Services must also protect the dignity and rights of the people who receive them. In that role, the MHRB advocates for clients served by the agencies to ensure that they are respected and informed.
Click here to go to the Client's Rights Page.
Click here for a copy of the MHRBUC Notice of Privacy Practices.
Click here for the Notice of Privacy Practices Q & A.
Click here for the Notice of Privacy Practices Q & A - Spanish.